Our hectic lifestyle is one of the main factors for heart diseases, but according to the Karolinska Institute, 5 simple lifestyle changes can help prevent almost 80% of heart attacks annually! These are the changes:
- Quit smoking;
- Eat a healthy diet;
- Stop drinking alcohol;
- Exercise regularly;
- Maintain a healthy waist size.
Always avoid sugar and processed foods as well as refined carbs. Saturated fats from butter, eggs or lard are not bad for you. They affect the bad (LDL) cholesterol and only increase the good (HDL) cholesterol.

A healthy diet plan
You should avoid consuming fructose, sugar and grains and replace all the carbs in your diet with high quality proteins and healthy fats from avocados, butter, organic eggs, raw dairy products, coconut oil, nut oils, nuts and grass-fed meat. You should also balance your omega-3 and omega-6 ration by consuming oily fish instead of vegetable oils.
Eating a lot of fruit is mandatory – they are rich in vitamins and minerals and have anti-inflammatory properties. According to medical experts, people who eat fruit regularly have a 40% lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, if you’re overweight or leptin or insulin resistant, you should limit your daily intake of fruit to 15 gr. If you’re not suffering from any diseases, you can consume fruit freely.
Diabetes drugs
Metformin is a diabetes drug which is associated with increased risk of low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone. When the levels of this hormone in the body are low, it causes damage to the body and affects the cardiovascular health. According to a recent study, treating type 3 diabetes with prescription meds will lower your glucose levels and increase the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.
Beta-blockers and scientific misconduct
Beta-blockers block the neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine from binding to beta-receptors. They are helpful in cases of non-cardiac surgery, but according to statistical data, beta-blockers cause almost 800 000 deaths in Europe every year.
How can you protect your heart?
– Reduce stress and anxiety;
– Avoid sitting for a prolonged period
– Avoid taking statins;– Consume more unprocessed saturated animal fats – avoid eating too much sugar, grains and processed fructose;
– Exercise regularly;
– Increase your vitamin D intake – just go out in the sun or take some supplements;
– Walk barefoot in order to get powerful antioxidants from the Earth. They are transferred through free electrons and will reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Fighting cardiovascular diseases is not that difficult – all you need is a change in your lifestyle. The results will be felt immediately, you will feel much better and re-energized!
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