नव वर्ष दिवस कथन

Quote 1: Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.
In Hindi: साल का अंत ना तो अंत है ना ही शुरुआत बल्कि ये तो अपने अनुभव से मिलने वाले विवेक के साथ आगे बढ़ते जाना है.
Hal Borland हाल बोर्लैंड
Quote 2: We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.
In Hindi: हम एक किताब खोलेंगे. उसके पन्ने खाली हैं. हम खुद उसमे अपने शब्द लिखंगे. इस किताब को अवसर कहते हैं और इसका पहला पाठ नए साल का दिन है.
Edith Lovejoy Pierce एडिथ लाव्जोय पीयर्स
नए सा पर लें
Quote 3: I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.
In Hindi: मैंने नए साल के लिए कोई प्रण नहीं लिया. योजना बनाने , आलोचना करने, प्रतिबन्ध लगाने और जीवन को ढालने की आदत मेरे रोज-मर्रा के जीवन का हिस्सा है.
Anaïs Nin आनेस निन
Quote 4: Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.
In Hindi: अच्छे प्रण महज लोगों द्वारा काटे हुए ऐसे बैंको के चेक हैं जहाँ उनका खाता नहीं है.
Oscar Wilde ऑस्कर वाइल्ड
Quote 5: An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
In Hindi: एक आशावादी आधी रात तक नए साल को आते हुए देखने के लिए जगा रहता है. एक निराशावादी यह निश्चित करने के लिए जगा रहता है कि पुराना साल चला जाए.
Bill Vaughn बिल वॉन
Quote 6: New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.
In Hindi: नए वर्ष का दिन सभी का जन्मदिन होता है.
Charles Lamb चार्ल्स लैम्ब
Quote 7: Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.
In Hindi: नए साल का अभिनन्दन और हमारे लिए सब कुछ सही करने का एक और मौका.
Oprah Winfrey ओपरा विनफ्रे
Quote 8: New Year’s Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.
In Hindi: नव वर्ष दिवस…. अभी वो स्वीकार्य समय है जब आप हर साल लिए जाने वाले अच्छे-अच्छे प्रण ले सकते हैं. अगले हफ्ते हर बार की तरह आप उन्हें नरक में भेजना शुरू कर सकते हैं.
Mark Twain मार्क ट्वेन
Quote 9: New Year’s Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.
In Hindi: नए साल का संकल्प : मूर्खों को और अधिक बर्दाश्त करना बशर्ते ये उन्हें मेरा और समय लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित ना करे.
James Agate जेम्स ऐगेट
Quote 10: The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.
In Hindi: नए साल का उद्देश्य यह नहीं है कि हमारे पास एक नया साल हो. वह यह है कि हमारे पास एक नयी आत्मा हो.
G.K. Chesterton जी. के. चेस्टरटन
Quote 11: Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.
In Hindi: जवानी वह है जब आपको नव वर्ष के मौके पर आधी रात तक जागने दिया जाता है. अधेढ़ावस्था वह है जब आपको इसके लिए मजबूर किया जाता है.
Bill Vaughn बिल वोन
Quote 12: Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.
In Hindi: हमेशा अपनी बुराइयों के खिलाफ लड़ो, अपने पड़ोसियों के साथ शांति से रहो, और हर नए साल को तुम्हे एक बेहतर इंसान के रूप में पाने दो.
Benjamin Franklin बेंजामिन फ्रैंकलिन
Quote 13: But can one still make resolutions when one is over forty? I live according to twenty-year-old habits.
In Hindi: पर क्या कोई चालीस का होने के बाद भी संकल्प कर सकता है ? मैं अपनी बीस साल पुरानी आदतों के हिसाब से रहता हूँ.
Andre Gide आंद्रे गाइड
Quote 14: Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
In Hindi: अपने दिल पे लिख लो कि हर दिन साल का सबसे अच्छा दिन है.
Ralph Waldo Emerson राल्फ वाल्डो एमर्सन
Quote 15: People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.
In Hindi: लोग इस बात को लेकर बहुत चिंतित रहते हैं कि वो क्रिसमस और न्यू ईयर के बीच क्या खाते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें सचमुच इस बात के लिए चिंतित रहना चाहिए कि वे न्यू ईयर और क्रिसमस के बीच क्या खाते हैं.
Anonymous अनाम
Quote 16: Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
In Hindi: कई लोग नए साल का इंतज़ार अपनी पुरानी आदतों को नयी शुरआत देने के लिए करते हैं.
Anonymous अनाम
Quote 17: I would say happy new year but it’s not happy; it’s exactly the same as last year except colder.
In Hindi : मैं कहूँगा नया साल मुबारक हो लेकिन ये मुबारक नहीं है ; ये बिलकुल पिछले साल जैसा है बस थोडा सा और ठंडा.
Robert Clark रोबर्ट क्लार्क
Quote 18: Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.
In Hindi: कल, 365 पेज वाली किताब का पहला सादा पन्ना है. इसे अच्छे से लिखो.
Brad Paisley ब्रैड पैसले
Quote 19: The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.
In Hindi: नया साल हमारे सामने खड़ा है,एक पाठ के समान, लिखे जाने के इंतज़ार में.हम लक्ष्य निर्धारित करके उस कहानी को लिखने में मदद कर सकते हैं.
Melody Beattie मेलोडी बैटी
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Key words : Accountable, Accuracy, Adaptability, Adept, Alertness, Ambition, Amiability, Analytical, Articulate, Assertive, Attentiveness, Businesslike, Capable, Caring, Competence, Confidence, Conscientiousness, Considerate, Consistency, Cooperation, Creative, Critical thinking, Dedication, Dependability, Detail oriented, Determination, Diplomatic, Efficiency, Empathy, Encouraging, Energy, Enterprising, Ethical, Experienced, Flexibility, Hardworking, Helpfulness, Honesty, Imaginative, Independent, Industriousness, Influence, Innovation, Insightful, Interpersonal, Intuitive, Leadership, Life skills, Logical thinking, Loyal, Management, Motivation, Nonverbal communication, Optimism, Organizational, Passion, Patience, Perceptive, Perseverance, Positive, Practical, Problem solving, Productive, Professional, Progressive, Punctual, Rational, Realistic, Reflective, Reliable, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Sense of humor, Sincere, Sociable, Teachable, Teaching, Teamwork, Technical Literacy, Tolerance, Training, Trustworthy, Understanding, Verbal, communication, Versatility, Visionary, Work ethic, Acknowledging Others, Active Listening, Advising, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Community Building, Confidence, Confidence Building, Conflict Management, Contributing, Cooperation, Coordination, Creativity, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Defining Problems, Dependable, Dependability, Encourage, Encouragement, Expanding Ideas, Flexibility, Give Feedback, Goal Setting, Guide, Group Decisions, Group Decision Making, Hearing Concerns, Helpfulness, Helping, Honesty, Idea Exchange, Influencing, Interpersonal, Interpreting, Language, Lead, Leadership,Listening, Logic, Logical Argument, Logical Thinking, Management, Mediation, Motivation, Multitasking, Negotiating, Nonverbal Communication, Opinion Exchange, Oral Communication, Participation, Patience, Perform Tasks, Persuading, Positive Attitude, Problem Solving, Questioning, Receive Feedback, Relationship Building, Reliable, Research, Respect, Respectful, Responsibility, Sharing Credit, Support, Supportive, Team Building, Team Building Activities, Team Management, Team Oriented, Team Player, Tact, Task Management, Teaching, Trust, Understanding Feelings, Verbal Communication, Visual Communication, Written Communication, Adaptability to changing circumstances, Addressing behavior which disrupts group harmony, Assessing group progress, Brainstorming strategies and solutions freely, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Cooperation by managers of departments comprising cross functional teams, Cultivating positive group leaders, Decision Making, Defining work roles clearly, Delegating tasks to appropriate members, Drawing consensus around goals and strategies, Encouraging input from reticent members, Establishing group norms, Facilitating group discussion, Hiring team oriented staff, Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of team members, Interpersonal, Leadership, Mentoring new members, Persuasive, Problem Solving, Providing feedback, Recognizing and rewarding group achievements, Recording and disseminating team solutions, Responding to constructive criticism, Setting expectations, Terminating chronically unproductive team members, Training, Verbal communication, Adaptability, Analytical, Apologizing, Asking for help, Assertiveness, Body language, Communication, Confidence building, Conflict management, Cooperation, Coping, Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Decision making, Emotional intelligence, Empathy, Etiquette, Flexibility, Focus, Giving and receiving feedback, Handling criticism, Independence, Influence, Information technology, Interpersonal, Leadership, Listening, Literacy, Mindfulness, Negotiating, Networking, Numeracy, Organization, Presentation skills, Prioritization, Problem solving, Professionalism, Public speaking, Recognizing diversity, Resilience, Respect, Self-awareness, Teamwork, Time management, Timeliness, Verbal communication, Willingness to learn, Success, Money, Inspiration, Hard work, Sympathy, Emotion, Blogs, Blogger, India top blogger, India best blogger, self improvement, Personal Development, Positive thinking, mother Teresa, Shiv khera, Sandeep maheswari, Vivekanand, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Ajit vadakayil, Study Hard,
Key words : Accountable, Accuracy, Adaptability, Adept, Alertness, Ambition, Amiability, Analytical, Articulate, Assertive, Attentiveness, Businesslike, Capable, Caring, Competence, Confidence, Conscientiousness, Considerate, Consistency, Cooperation, Creative, Critical thinking, Dedication, Dependability, Detail oriented, Determination, Diplomatic, Efficiency, Empathy, Encouraging, Energy, Enterprising, Ethical, Experienced, Flexibility, Hardworking, Helpfulness, Honesty, Imaginative, Independent, Industriousness, Influence, Innovation, Insightful, Interpersonal, Intuitive, Leadership, Life skills, Logical thinking, Loyal, Management, Motivation, Nonverbal communication, Optimism, Organizational, Passion, Patience, Perceptive, Perseverance, Positive, Practical, Problem solving, Productive, Professional, Progressive, Punctual, Rational, Realistic, Reflective, Reliable, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Sense of humor, Sincere, Sociable, Teachable, Teaching, Teamwork, Technical Literacy, Tolerance, Training, Trustworthy, Understanding, Verbal, communication, Versatility, Visionary, Work ethic, Acknowledging Others, Active Listening, Advising, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Community Building, Confidence, Confidence Building, Conflict Management, Contributing, Cooperation, Coordination, Creativity, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Defining Problems, Dependable, Dependability, Encourage, Encouragement, Expanding Ideas, Flexibility, Give Feedback, Goal Setting, Guide, Group Decisions, Group Decision Making, Hearing Concerns, Helpfulness, Helping, Honesty, Idea Exchange, Influencing, Interpersonal, Interpreting, Language, Lead, Leadership,Listening, Logic, Logical Argument, Logical Thinking, Management, Mediation, Motivation, Multitasking, Negotiating, Nonverbal Communication, Opinion Exchange, Oral Communication, Participation, Patience, Perform Tasks, Persuading, Positive Attitude, Problem Solving, Questioning, Receive Feedback, Relationship Building, Reliable, Research, Respect, Respectful, Responsibility, Sharing Credit, Support, Supportive, Team Building, Team Building Activities, Team Management, Team Oriented, Team Player, Tact, Task Management, Teaching, Trust, Understanding Feelings, Verbal Communication, Visual Communication, Written Communication, Adaptability to changing circumstances, Addressing behavior which disrupts group harmony, Assessing group progress, Brainstorming strategies and solutions freely, Coaching, Collaboration, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Cooperation by managers of departments comprising cross functional teams, Cultivating positive group leaders, Decision Making, Defining work roles clearly, Delegating tasks to appropriate members, Drawing consensus around goals and strategies, Encouraging input from reticent members, Establishing group norms, Facilitating group discussion, Hiring team oriented staff, Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of team members, Interpersonal, Leadership, Mentoring new members, Persuasive, Problem Solving, Providing feedback, Recognizing and rewarding group achievements, Recording and disseminating team solutions, Responding to constructive criticism, Setting expectations, Terminating chronically unproductive team members, Training, Verbal communication, Adaptability, Analytical, Apologizing, Asking for help, Assertiveness, Body language, Communication, Confidence building, Conflict management, Cooperation, Coping, Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Decision making, Emotional intelligence, Empathy, Etiquette, Flexibility, Focus, Giving and receiving feedback, Handling criticism, Independence, Influence, Information technology, Interpersonal, Leadership, Listening, Literacy, Mindfulness, Negotiating, Networking, Numeracy, Organization, Presentation skills, Prioritization, Problem solving, Professionalism, Public speaking, Recognizing diversity, Resilience, Respect, Self-awareness, Teamwork, Time management, Timeliness, Verbal communication, Willingness to learn, Success, Money, Inspiration, Hard work, Sympathy, Emotion, Blogs, Blogger, India top blogger, India best blogger, self improvement, Personal Development, Positive thinking, mother Teresa, Shiv khera, Sandeep maheswari, Vivekanand, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Ajit vadakayil, Study Hard,
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