Today, we will reveal some of those questions and try to simplify the many questions that lie in dark behind the dreams we dream.
With the advent of science and scientific explanations, several hypotheses are put forward, but somehow none of them were cent percent correct or will match with your pattern and experience of dreams. A new study has now related dreams with our personal progress of life. We all know sound sleep is necessary for good health, scientists now say that a dream is equally important because in a better our mind passes through valuable information that are stored in the memory from day-to-day life and process the information to discover new ways and hence the projections in visual form. This also explains the fact that the event which has happened in our life recent, are shown with different result or outcome or circumstances in your dream. Sometimes future events are also projects with some outcomes as your mind is going through the information in the memory of your recent activities and sometimes about which you were thinking all the time before you went to sleep.
Scientists at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) conduct an experiment on dreams to unveil its mystery. Volunteers were first given to play a virtual 3D maze game, after certain time when the volunteers were tired solving the maze, rest was given to them. Some were allowed to just sit and think about what they have done, some were allowed to rest peacefully and close their eyes and contemplate of the event that took place and report what they are visualizing and the rest were allowed to take a deep sleep and report later about their dreams.
Nearly after five hours of the initial test, everyone was allowed to take a retest. Surprisingly, those who dreamt in their sleep, showed remarkable increase in efficiency and productivity in their task while those were sitting and thinking, showed no progress at all.
The conclusion that was drawn is the something that is difficult for you, the brain takes care to imprint that in your memory and keep you thinking a lot about it.So when you go to sleep, your mind focuses on those information and process them, processing several alternative ways while you are dreaming about it only a fraction of that is visualize by you in your dream. Whatever the mind processes, it is stored somewhere in your subconscious and the next time you try it, inputs from subconscious might help you get better. Now activation of subconscious varies from person to person and can only be increased through meditation.
So this explains the fact that when you think something about an event all day, you generally get it in your dream in distorted way, distortion is due you the several possibilities your mind is putting up during analysis of those event’s imprints. Dreams, thus, have an intense power for your personal growth and coming out of the odds as a winner in life.
So, do dreams come true? Yes, it does. As the mind processes the information, it throws enormous amount of possibilities and only a fraction of it, you can visualize in your dreams. So among all such possibilities, one of them is likely to be the real result, and if by chance you could dream that one possibility, you will find that what you dreamt, has manifested in reality.
The most interesting fact to notice is like our heart, our brain never stops to functions. Moreover, it acts the best when mind aids it while sleeping. Because when you sleep, you do collect any information from outside, so your brain can turn inward and focus on the information it has collected throughout the day. Inner Reflection.
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